Mouth-Mate Hybrid Oral Hygiene and Tooth Brushing Aid with Unique Bendable Handle and Soft Tip to Improve Comfort, 5…
Use until you see your next dentist appointment. Clean and replace as you would your normal toothbrush.
Mouth-Mate is the ideal toothbrush aid to help retract anywhere in your mouth to improve access for brushing, oral hygiene, and reduce biofilm (dental plaque) long term. Use it daily to improve problem areas identified by your dentist.
Implant supported denture patients can use the large oval Mouth-Mate to retract the lips and cheek for improved visibility to brush implants under the retained denture. It is the ideal oral care product to retract the lower or upper lips to brushing around implant supported crowns, bridges or under the implant supported denture!
Mouth-Mate is the ideal toothbrush aid to help retract anywhere in your mouth to improve access, oral hygiene home care and reduce biofilm (dental plaque) long term. Mouth-Mate Hybrid is also effective to improve visibility to improve oral home care for implant patients. Improve your daily dental home care with a 2-handed approach to oral health care with Mouth-Mate so the toothbrush does its job!
Use until you see your next dentist appointment. Clean and replace as you would your normal toothbrush.
Mouth-Mate is the ideal toothbrush aid to help retract anywhere in your mouth to improve access for brushing, oral hygiene, and reduce biofilm (dental plaque) long term. Use it daily to improve problem areas identified by your dentist.
Implant supported denture patients can use the large oval Mouth-Mate to retract the lips and cheek for improved visibility to brush implants under the retained denture. It is the ideal oral care product to retract the lower or upper lips to brushing around implant supported crowns, bridges or under the implant supported denture!
Use Mouth-Mate daily to retract anywhere in the mouth so you are more comfortable brushing with a mouth sore, Lichen Planus, oral cancer and mouth sores from radiation
This oral care product can also be used by caregivers on loved ones, special needs children and adults. A must have tool for nursing home patients for caregivers to assist in daily oral home care.
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